Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tipton to Ridgely and back

Today's flight was scheduled only a short time in advance. I extended an invitation to a co-worker to fly after work. I planned on a trip out to Ridgely including a landing and a short stopover. Since another co-worker lived near the airport, I asked her to meet us there and take some pictures. Besides that her young son had flown with her and I before and I thought he would get a kick out of the trip to the airport.

After our preflight we called my friend and told her we were about to depart and to expect us in about 45 minutes. We got up, out and on course toward the bay. It was a beautiful evening and the air was relatively smooth with a few puffy clouds above us. I got out over the Severn river and flew toward Sandy Point and the North side of the Bay Bridge. I climbed up to around 2000ft when we reached the next shelf of the Class B airspace. We were headed over the Bay now and I practived holding course with my feet only and altitude with the throttle. Once we got closer to Ridgely I began to look for the airport. It sometimes isn't easy to find. Another one of the rental planes called me up from Ocean City Airport because they are on the same CTAF frequency as RJD. They wished me a good flight and rubbed it in that they were in Ocean City.
We entered the pattern and I made a pretty smooth landing on runway 30. I could see my friend and her son as we taxied to the ramp area.

We visited for a while, took some pictures, and watched an ultralight tow a hang glider around. Once it was time to leave we made a westbound departure straight out and climbed to 2200ft. I was happy to level out because my right knee was throbbing from all the rudder I had to crank it in on the climb out.

The flight over the bay was smooth and as we headed back to Tipton I decided to get in some slow flight practice. I must have been having an exceptional day because I was able to get the airplane trimmed and stabilized to about 50 knots with full flaps in short order. After exiting slow flight we headed in for a smooth landing at Tipton.

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