Sunday, August 17, 2008


I took another first time General Aviation passenger up with me today. I had offered a ride to a co-worker and he turned me down. He did say that his wife was interested and since I knew her, I was more than happy to give her an airplane ride. I decided to make a trip over to Easton Airport (ESN) for breakfast. The flight time from Tipton would be approximately 30 minutes each way. Not too long for a first time flyer. The winds were calm and the air was smooth as we got out over the bay and leveled off at 2000ft. As we got into Easton's Class D airspace I had a minor brain fart and ended up a little off course on my tower instructed pattern entry. After confessing my mistake to the tower and offering a solution I managed to make a smooth landing despite some quick maneuvering in the pattern. After we taxied to the terminal and were led in by the lineman at the FBO, we went inside and managed to snag the last empty table at the restaurant. There were a lot of people there who had not come out by airplane and my hope was that the food was worth it. I had only eaten there once before and that was a grilled cheese sandwich. I ordered "The Flat Spin", three buttermilk pancakes, and a side of bacon. Aside from the cheap pancake syrup on the table the food was very good, and the bill for two of us was under $13.00.
Back to the airplane we went and ground control was able to taxi us right from the terminal and over to the adjacent runway, 22, for our departure. We were up in no time and got our right turn approved to start heading back over the bay. I climbed up to 2000ft again and headed for Kent Island. The air was still smooth and the visibility was very good for a summer day. Once I got the airplane trimmed out I spent about 5-7 minutes flying hands off with just the rudder and throttle to keep us on course. I've been told it's good practice for when it comes time to start an instrument rating. The rest of the flight went well and there were about three to four other aircraft that I had to take notice of on the way back to Tipton. After another smooth landing at Tipton, I fueled the airplane, taxied over to the ramp, parked and made my logbook entries. I am truly happy when I can show someone that flying is more than trying to catch a glimpse of the ground through a small portal in a pressurized flying bus and that "little" airplanes can be safe and fun. Even though we live in a world of three dimensions we scarcely are able to understand the true meaning of "up."
I have a friend who has never been in an airplane. I am looking forward to taking him for a flight that I hope will be a life altering experience. One where he gets to look down upon the world and have a "wow" moment. Perspective. Or maybe he'll just get airsick...dunno.

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