Monday, June 2, 2008

Solo X-C to Melfa, Virginia

My last cross country flight, that's one with more than 50 miles straight line distance between airports, was back in February. I decided it was time and searched my charts for a destination. I attempted to find a passenger but was unlucky. So it was a solo trip for me. It's certainly a way to be truly alone.
I chose Accomack County Airport in Melfa, Virginia for my destination. I would get there after passing Cambridge. The airport is located on the Eastern Shore of Virginia about in the center of the peninsula. It's East of Smith and Tangier Islands.

There were tailwinds on the way there and headwinds on the way back. The airport had a bit of a crosswind and the configuration of the runway was such that you had to back taxi to get to the terminal. Most of trip was in light to moderate chop. Once I arrived and secured the airplane I headed for the terminal. There was a black and white cat that was perched on the front steps. From the looks of the cat it belonged there. I went inside and found a spacious terminal with a large lounge and meeting area as well as snack machines and bathrooms. The "flight planning room" left a little to be desired but it had a computer and and Internet connection. I got myself a soda and went out onto the terminal's wraparound deck complete with rocking chairs that faced the runway. The airport cat proceeded to climb into my lap and make friends with me.
I finished my soda while watching some other aircraft land. After I checked the weather and filed my flight plan I get some local tourist information and bought an airport t-shirt.

After departing from Melfa, I headed back toward Crisfield, MD as seen below. Before I got there I could see an F-16 fighter jet well above my altitude fly over me.

After passing Crisfield I headed back to Cambridge,MD and then out over the Chesapeake Bay.

Cambridge is seen below.Once over the bay I flew over Poplar Island, which is being used by the state as a research site.
You can see the island below.

The total flight time for the round trip was two and a half hours. It would take you about three hours and twenty-five minutes to drive the route just one way. Are airplanes great or what.

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