Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Flight

My intentions were to fly this Saturday or Sunday. Unfortunately, schedules and weather did not work out. I ended up taking the family on an outing today. The plan was to fly South to Virginia and land at Tappahannock airport for a picnic lunch. A check of the weather showed that the area was due for winds at about 15 gusting to 22. Since I had never flown down that way before I opted out due to weather. That left me with a decision to make as far as a destination. Since I had flown to Ridgely Airpark before, I knew that it would be a nice flight. Based on the weather briefing I received it appeared as though the entire area was going to get some wind. I filed an ADIZ flight plan out and back just in case I got out to Ridgely and found the conditions unfavorable. We launched shortly after 1230 local time and as expected on a hot day there were some bumps. The flight over to Ridgely was fun and we did some sightseeing. Due to the heat and humidity the visibility was hazy. Once I got closer to Ridgely I started to listen to the automated weather. A check showed that there was a 10 knot 90 degree crosswind to the runway. This was not at all a favorable landing spot. Just for the sake of experimentation and the fact that we had traveled out with the intent to land, I came in for a low approach over the empty field. I used a considerable amount of right rudder and left stick to keep in line with the runway. Could I have landed there? Yes, but why chance it. It was easier and safer to turn back around and head for Tipton. Once we got over the Chesapeake Bay I took a lazy course back to Tipton, making sure I passed over Sandy Point State Park, Greenbury Point, the Severn River, City of Annapolis, US Naval Academy, and the South River. Once in the vicinity of Tipton the air was rough and there was a crosswind on the runway. I managed to make a bit of a rough landing and after we taxied back to the ramp we had our picnic under the shade of the right wing. It wasn't the flight I expected but it was good to have time together as a family. One day we are planning on flying down to Williamsburg.

1 comment:

flyaway said...

i flew down to williamsburg (JGG) a couple of weeks ago. the runway is a little narrower and shorter than what i'm used to (JYO) but i did ok. the approach coming in low over the water was a new experience as well. one note, the flight planning "room" leaves something to be desired (very small and a flickering light).
also be prepared for a noise abatement departure for a right turn out and airport overflight that isn't in the AFD. there's a note on a sign at the start of the runway about it.