Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Departing Runway 10 Closed Right Traffic

It was time to get back into the Skyhawk for some landing practice. It had been about a month since I had flown in one. I had been cheating on it with the Sierra, smaller and about 1000lbs lighter than the Skyhawk. The winds were from the east so I had to fly the right hand traffic pattern as well as get back into the groove with the airplane. The two planes really do fly differently and on my first landing attempt I made a timely go around due to being way too high. Another landing invited the use use of a forward slip to get down from another high approach. The flare was also interesting as the 1000 extra pounds adds some momentum to you travel and descent. By the third, forth, and fifth landing I was feeling a lot more comfortable with my old friend and left the airport feeling like the 0.8 hours flight time had done me a world of good. Flying two different types of planes can be a challenge. I like both airplanes and really want to keep current in both of them.

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